How to manage PR in China (if you are an airline)

With all the rain here in Hong Kong I am not going anywhere this morning (well, until it calms down anyway). So i thought I would add some articles to my blog.

This one has been sitting in the "draft folder" for a while which is a shame as its a beauty.

So what is it all about; Well a plane crashed in China recently (read here) and luckily while no one was killed in this accident the PR that the China Airlines rolled out would make my own PR collegues blush with pride.

The firefighters had only just doused the plane and put the fire out (see picture on the right) than the PR people were painting over the logo so that you would not know that it was a China Airlines plane.

Genius. You have a bad PR story, so instead of the usual press release and "we'll do better" we "have learnt our lesson" ect, ect they just painted over the logo so that no-one will know. Even better they didn't apologize for the crash (Something they should probably do as they have at least 6 time the number of accidents as European Airlines.)

Its a very interesting insight into China and what management will do to try and protect the brand. Something for all of us to think about.

See the full story here.

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