Bowl of fanny anyone?

Living in a foreign country for some reason always gives us native English speakers a reason to feel superior and snigger at our hosts efforts to write down our language.

This is of course completely unfair (for instance how much Chinese can I write?) Never the less, on the walk into work this made me chuckle (if only I had my camera with me).

"Bowl of Fanny special only $7."

Now dear readers, this is of course Fanny Noodle restaurant (what were you thinking!?) But it made me laugh on a hot morning.

... Oh for a bowl of hot fanny on the way to work. OK, OK I'll stop now.

2 Responses to "Bowl of fanny anyone?"

962 says
29 May 2007 at 04:44

Theres a doctor in Wanchai with the same name

ali bullock says
29 May 2007 at 05:45

962 you are genius. Dr Fanny. I love it, brilliant.

I want that guy as my Doctor.

(School boy humour at its best)